Crazy for Lilly4Target!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Hump Day, everyone! 

I noticed that I hadn't posted about my Lilly for Target finds since the launch on April 19th, so now that it's been exactly a month and a day since Pink Sunday, I think it's time. :-)

So how did you all make out with LFT? I happened to be out of town when the launch hit and there weren't any Targets close by, so I was one of the crazy people who stayed up till 3am (more like 4:30am!) for the online launch. I honestly questioned my sanity for a moment, but sadly that didn't stop me from staying up till a ridiculous hour. I don't have to tell most of you what a mess the online launch was, but talking to a few friends on Instagram during that time made it bearable. A few cups of coffee would have been the icing on the cake though. With the site going down 3+ times, I know many of us were frustrated when we realized our carts were emptied and the very items we had been waiting months for were gone in an instant. Thankfully, with the help of an IG friend, I was able to snag a girls large see ya later shift through the Target app before that went down too. That was the only purchase I was able to make during the launch, but it was better than nothing.

Since then, I have been browsing various hashtags, looking for fair IG sellers, and checking for returns at three different Targets by me. It also helps to have IG friends in different states, because thanks to them and their generosity, I was able to get the fan dance shift dress and girls nosie posey rope tote. Thanks ladies! :-) I also refuse to pay anymore than $15 over the retail price, so looking for the best deals took some time, but I'm very happy with the purchases I've made! I ended up finding both head wraps (my fans, nosie posey), pink eyelet shorts, girls large nosie posey shift, and fan dance wristlet from some very nice IG sellers. From frequenting local Targets and checking the returns and dressing room areas, I snagged a belladonna tote, upstream clutch, two lipsticks, a pineapple punch train case, pineapple sandals, girls xl maxi, my fans bikini top, and upstream jumpsuit. So here is a round up of pics that I've posted on Instagram so far. Some items haven't been photographed yet, but I'm sure you'll be seeing them very soon. Hope you all have a wonderful day! :-)

xoxo, Britt

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